Grameen Shikkha has been conducting non-formal primary schools, started in 2006 with financial assistance from C&A, for slum children in Mirpur area under Dhaka City Corporation. Organized in one-room venues (classroom), these schools are providing primary education to poor slum children in a non-formal way, using public school text books supplied by Government. Each school has two shifts – morning and afternoon – with 20-35 students in each shift. Many of these children are working children and orphans who, without this program, would never have the opportunity to receive primary education and would be in high risk of being exposed to various social and economic hazards.
A 6 to 9 years old child enrolls in grade-1 in a Grameen slum school and moves through grades 2, 3, 4 and 5 – one grade a year – before they finally finish primary education over a period of five years. GS has already completed eight five-year cycles from 2006 to 2022 for 3,750 children financed by C&A Foundation, IDKIDS Foundation, and the Shamdasani Foundation. Current sponsors are IDKIDS Foundation of France, Professors David and Kathee Jordan of USA, Ms. Celine Delacharlerie of Singapore, and the YY Foundation of Germany who are supporting 52 slum schools conducted at 26 centers.