Board of Directors

Besides its Chairman, the following persons are on Grameen Shikkha Board of Directors


Qazi Nazrul Huque

Mr. Qazi Nazrul Huque, Managing Director of Grameen Shikkha, studied Public Administration at University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and Business Administration at Victoria University, Melbourne. He joined Grameen Bank in 1990 as a senior officer and worked as branch manager in several branches of the bank. He also worked at the Training Institute as well as the International Program Department of the bank. He moved to Grameen Shikkha in 2001. He writes on Social Business and also lectures at different universities on Social Business as guest speaker.


Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim

 Dr. Ibrahim, a renowned educationist of Bangladesh, is founder of Center for Mass Education in Science (CMES), Bangladesh. A pioneer in science education especially for disadvantaged adolescent girls in rural Bangladesh, Dr. Ibrahim is also working as Member in a number of Non-Government Organizations in Bangladesh.


Mr. M. Shahjahan

Mr. M. Shahjahan, a Chartered Accountant and former Acting Managing Director of Grameen Bank, has been working with Grameen for more than three decades. He has headed the Central Accounts and Monitoring & Evaluation departments of Grameen Bank for nearly a decade since 2003. He is working as Advisor to Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus and also as director of several companies in the Grameen family.


Ms. Nazneen Sultana

Ms. Nazneen has been working as Managing Director of Grameen Communications since 1997 when GC was founded by Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus. She is also working as director in several companies in the Grameen family.


Mr. Mohammad Ehsanul Bari

Mr. Ehsanul Bari has been working in Grameen since 1980. Former managing director of Grameen Agricultural Foundation, Mr. Bari was associated with microcredit and development of fisheries and livestock programs for the rural poor for a long time. He has keen interest in small holder dairy and poultry, various ruminants farming, and improving the bargaining power and sustainable livelihood of small holders through enhancement of productivity and market access. He is also working in the field of nutrition and food security as Social Business and environment friendly eco-system through development of bio-digester plant. His specialization is project development and social development.


Ms. Shireen Pervin Huq

Ms. Shireen Huq is a women's rights activist working on gender, human rights, and development. She is a founder member of Naripokkho, a leading women's rights organisation in Bangladesh, and of Moulik Odhikar Shurokkha Committee (Committee for the Protection of Fundamental Rights) in Bangladesh. She is Honorary Coordinator of the Women’s Health Rights Advocacy Partnership project focusing on women’s SRHR, in the south-western coastal districts of Bangladesh through claiming accountability of service providers in public hospitals. Educated at the University of Dhaka, the Evergreen State College in the USA and the University of Sussex in UK, Ms. Shireen is also an active member of the Advisory Committee of the International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific on whose behalf she has conducted training on CEDAW, workshops on the preparation of Shadow/Alternative Reports and facilitated consultations on the CEDAW Committee’s Concluding Observations in different parts of the world. From 1987-2006 she worked as an advisor to DANIDA in Bangladesh on women’s development, poverty reduction and human rights.


Mr. Zahirul Alam

Mr. Zahirul Alam, founder and Executive Director of Integrated Development Foundation (IDF) of Bangladesh, is a prominent social worker and microcredit practitioner in Bangladesh. He was a student of Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus when Professor Yunus was teaching Economics at Chittagong University. 


Dr. Jalal Uddin

A retired Brigadier General of Bangladesh Army, Mr. Jalal is a medical professonal who was worked in different capacities like docor and consultant in different national and international organizations. Currently he is working as Medical Advisor to Grameen Group Chairman.


All members of the Grameen Shikkha Board of Directors including its Chairperson Professor Muhammad Yunus have been working for Shikkha on a voluntary basis.

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